
July 23, 2014

a future called justice

all for one, one for all.

this adage was made popular by alexandre dumas' "three musketeers". it contains a simplistic appeal for loyalty, solidarity, and justice. it is a phrase that each country would do well to adapt into their government policies.

loyalty is a choice to stick to something or somebody no matter what happens. often we are forced to change our loyalty towards a person or a product, because it goes against our fundamental beliefs.

i'm constantly amazed by the wrong that is done throughout the world. the sheer absurdity of injustice and unfair scenarios.

it starts with me walking into the supermarket and having to choose a product (or brand).

when you look at fruits and vegetables, you might have been driven to complete paranoia about pesticides and genetically modified food. After all, fruits are 'natural'. You cannot really turn them around and expect to see a label reading 'Pesticides 75%'. You might even decide to go for the local products. But what if I want a mango? There's no way, I will ever get a Bavarian mango. So I have to pick the only mango that is available in this shop.

it says the mango is from India. great! care to pinpoint at least the region it is from? the same is true for other exotic fruits and vegetables.

yesterday, i saw a documentary on "fair trade" and how the original fair trade movement has been corrupted by the huge food corporations (Unilever, Nestle etc.). they have bought the label and are using it to their advantage. we, the common consumer, have so little knowledge of what really goes on. be it tea or coffee plantations or factories or what not. there is injustice across the board.

terrible wages. awful working conditions. ethical abuse. sexism and sexual harassment. the list is long.

and yet we, the common consumer, are walking into the supermarket and buying a product that is more expensive than the actual value of production. even the workers receive only a fraction of its selling value.

it continues with me walking into clothing stores, where it's impossible to tell whether or not the H&M t-shirt was made in a different place to the shirts from Hugo Boss. most labels simply state: Made in Bangladesh, China or some other Asian country.

the world of branding is strangely obscure. we live in a consumer society that is trapped on a misty hilltop. we don't buy the brand. we buy the lie that is perfectly wrapped up in a foil of truth. we buy the brand that has the cutest ribbon. we buy the vibrant colours. we buy the form, and forget about the content.

i love reflecting on the past. but i also enjoy speculating on the future. we all paint our own picture(s) of what the future might hold. i'm worried about the superficial lifestyle, which is being passed down to the next generation. we are prisoners of conformity.

and reformation is once again regarded as the greatest rebellion an individual can bring to the table.

society is a strong entity. it's like a river of lava that won't stop for no one. to change the perception of a society, we must reform the different groups within it. this is why schools and the education system are so extremely important. this is why the future belong to teachers. they are the ones who are contributing to re-shaping the minds of the new generation.

tell me that that's not the most important job of all.

however, teachers are more individual than ever...and there is no common approach to the idea of moral reformation. or can you remember a class in 'general ethics' or 'dealing with the world's injustice'?

individualism is a wonderful thing. no doubt! but how amazing would it be if people were on the same page when it comes to topics that are hindering the progress of humanity and this earth we were called to look after? what if we all had the same understanding of 'justice'?

we would truly be looking forward to a pleasant, exciting future. we wouldn't worry about wars, global warming, overfishing, overeating, overbreeding, overstarving...poverty, slavery, sexual immorality and more.

what if we lived everyday as if we are living it for all, and everybody else is living their day as if it was for us? perhaps our lives would dramaticall change if we stuck a little 'all for one, one for all' into our daily routines.

June 19, 2014

a world called life

life often borders on the absurd.

some of you may have noticed this.

we live to strive for our ambitions...cling on to our dreams...resort to hope as our inner driving force. all this is necessary in the face of inevitable let-down. losing is a logical consequence of our desire to constantly win. defeat is the great humbler...the breaks to our, seemingly, never-ending fast track.

i've realised that nothing truly prepares you for the challenges you encounter in the "real" world. this world has a sobering effect on those who believe roses are red every day. the number one cause of depression, alcoholism, drug abuse etc. has to be disillusionment. at school, we're made to believe we can achieve anything we want. it's about us. it's about me. it's about what i can do with my own strength to succeed. (and possibly with the help of people in "high places".)

we admire those who hold on to their ideals, against all odds. we want to have a ROCKY experience. bounce back from hitting rock-bottom, returning with greater determination to win. we want to be fighters. we want to be the drivers of our destiny.

however, despite the many stories out there exemplifying that sort of experience, we remain individuals who simply want to LIVE. we might have the secret wish to be famous, but in the end all we really want is to be recognised. not for our talent, our potential or our work.

we want to be recognised for who we are - as a human-being. i came across this phrase: we are called human-beings, not human-doings. we have bought into the lie that we are worth our work. hence, people give up their dreams & ideals to join the world's massive capitalist working force.

after all, we are bombarded with consumerist propaganda over hundreds of times each and every day.

buy this, buy that.

you need this, you need that.

this guy has this, so you definitely have to get with the program and purchase it as well.

comparison is the devil in disguise. we constantly want what others have. and we hardly ever look at the blessings of our own life. it's a sickening drug we're infused with from morning till evening.

the system isn't the biggest problem. it's us. we ourselves are the biggest barrier; to allow change to take place in our hearts, minds and souls. all we truly want is to wake up in the morning feeling content with who we are, what we do, and being surrounded by people who love us.

i believe human-beings aren't that complicated. their lives have been made complex by circumstances, often which they cannot control. they just want to BE. in peace. with love. understanding and compassion.

it all goes back to the idea that we are free to choose. the only thing we can really prepare on a daily basis is ourselves. we're able to prepare our hearts for the things that are to come.

disillusionment is a definite. the truth is that we are free. when it comes to choosing how we respond to the daily circumstances arising in our life, we are free. and it's difficult. it's easier to lay down all weapons and surrender. to just hop on the ferries wheel and go round and round, without ever trying that other, more exciting ride.

we must learn to commit to our ideals. compromise is vital, but can also be a fatal blow to the structure you've attempted to put in place.

we must embrace the challenges set before us, as if they're the steps to something more wonderful and rewarding.

if you question the reason of your existence, then look no further as to knowing deep inside that life was given to you in order to grow. and that in every aspect - emotionally, physically and spiritually.

when we look at current world news, it is tough to feel encouraged. for four weeks, football dominates the world. i love football - but it's just a sport. we take our eyes off what's really going on. we are "entertained", and entertainment no longer proves to be an eye-opener. more frequently it is starting to blind us.

there was a time when people searched for meaning. today, we seem to be happy with whatever is given to us, as long as we can sit in an awesome car, with our new phone, our new computer, our new house, our new pet, our new girlfriend, and other new, amazing gadgets. there are thousands of apps to keep us distracted. just look on the App Store. many apps are incredible and designed to help you sort out your life.

how about using the app called "iPresent" - the I AM PRESENT and conscious of my surroundings, the world that i inhabit.  aware of others, treating them with kindness & trying my all to love them (even though it can be the greatest challenge!)

you might laugh at the ten commandments. well, don't treat them as commandments. but rather as God's 10 great advices for living life. personally, i cannot see how it wouldn't benefit you if you didn't try follow them for a while and see what happens.

yet, the most important of all is to LOVE. love changes you, and it changes others. it begins with the words you speak...words of hope, encouragement, aspiration and power.

if you want to piss off the world that is giving you a rough time, then simply send it a flying kiss - like you mean it - and throw thousands of plus signs towards the oncoming minus missiles.

success is measured by the human-being you ARE and strive to become. nothing can compare to that.  because you're journey is unique. even if it is absurd, that is the genuine, REAL Truth.

March 25, 2014

a place called safe

The last few weeks there have been several events  that have given me lots to think about.

Sometimes, it just takes a little longer to receive inspiration. 

But actually, I'm quite dismayed by what's been happening. For starters, there's the ongoing crisis in Syria (which has been placed in the background of world news), the Ukrainian uprising and Russia 'annexing' the Crimea...and elections in Bavaria. 

For some reason, there are still plenty of people in this world who can't claim to live in a safe place. To have a home that is protected. To grow a family living in peace and prosperity...enjoying life and receiving opportunities to improve it. And to be surrounded by a community that supports them and values their contribution.

I believe it comes down to the leaders who govern countries. Too often, individuals who come into power do not seek guidance. They do not build a versatile team that brings different gifts to the table. More often than not, leaders themselves are insecure, troubled by paranoia...obsessed with their power. The tyrannical (and ruthless) leader has survived into the 21st century. He is very much alive! And he causes his own people to suffer, because his pride forbids him to let go. 

Revolutions MUST follow a higher purpose. Just because a handful of people are upset with a situation, they cannot simply overthrow the leadership of the system they are part of. There needs to be a consensus on the situation. Nowadays, there are many uprisings that cause more problems for a country or community than trying to go down the diplomatic route. Of course, if diplomacy fails, one has to search for other ways to get the required attention. 

Yet too often, these are improvised revolutions. They embrace the chaos...the anarchy...and the resulting violence. Who are the real victims? The innocent man, woman and child that merely want a happy and safe life. 

In our own lives, we have to consider the effects of us lashing out at other people. On a daily basis, we have the choice to create our own individual revolutions. A revolution is to change one's lifestyle...or one's approach to a certain subject. 

For one, in Germany we are given the right to vote for our leaders. And this is a huge responsibility. We aren't forced to vote. If there's no leader you trust, then why vote? It only makes sense if you truly believe that somebody will help bring about positive changes in your country/city/community. If you look closely, though, you realize that leaders employ many 'tricks' to influence your vote. One has to be cautious and evaluate the candidates, their ideas, plans etc. HOWEVER, a man's word has lost its power and credibility. How often have you been disappointed by somebody promising you something...and not following through. 

Therefore, the true revolution of a country starts at the root of the smallest community - the family. A family is a miniature version of a community. It is here where values, behaviour and other human qualities are taught and learned. If the family fails to establish and raise children that obey a certain set of principles, then they will move into the next community - school - and negatively impact others around them. It sounds simple, but that's because I think it is! 

Nonetheless, it is a vicious circle. If the family isn't a safe haven for the individual - a place where he/she feels love and support - then it comes down to another community to restore the individual's health. We are obligated to reach out to those 'damaged' people and help them become restored. It is in our best interest to work on a healthy community. We profit from that general joy within the individual. We profit from encouragement. We profit from BUILDING, not destroying. 

This world is a critical place, filled with plenty of judgement. So let's focus on the qualities that really matter and spur productive revolutions - within ourselves and the people around us. Like I said, it is only in our best interest to belong to a healthy live in a place called safe!

January 20, 2014

a whisper called dignity

The 20th January is marked as "Martin Luther King Day". In recent years, I have annually reflected upon Dr. King's legacy and the moral diseases that plague humanity in this century.

Yesterday, my wife and I went to the cinema to watch "12 Years A Slave", a film based on the true story of Solomon Northup. And at the end, you're left to wonder about the many sick & twisted fates of millions of slaves all around the world. Just like my wife pointed out: slavery continues in the form of human trafficking. We have just 'updated' the name. Especially women (of all ages) are abducted, given different identities and sold into the most horrible trade of all: the sex trade.

People (especially children) are still forced to work. Women (AND men) are forced to take part in hideous & grotesque sexual acts, be it as prostitutes, slaves or in front of the cameras of perverted film-makers.

The first month of 2014 has almost passed, and the media has reported two rape cases in India. Mainly because the victims were foreigners. Yet, statistics say that a woman is raped in India every 20 minutes. The majority of these acts remain silent out of fear. Not even a whisper of dignity is left. Not even a cry to say: Stop! No more of this!

Hope is the mountain standing strong, without having to worry that it will send an avalanche down to bury us all. Faith is moving that same mountain and allowing the avalanche to bury our enemy. In whatever situaton we might find ourselves in, we can never forget who the real enemy is. He is the valley of despair, the great sea luring us into its crushing waves of deceit. He is the one who promises you false riches in return for your loyalty. Like a piglet sucking an empty teat, believing that our faith in the enemy will be rewarded.

When you think about it, we are all enslaved by the thoughts in our heads. The every day struggle to find the motivation to make this day not waste away any of the precious time we've been given on earth. We firmly believe that we were called into this world to make a difference. And the difference can be made, simply by working on our engaging in a war that is deeply personal: the war within our moral & spiritual universe.

We have an inclination for which side to choose. But the line separating our ally from our foe is often blurred. We get caught up on the playground of life, distracted by all the artificial joy. We know it's just as much fun to be climbing up the tree, but the swings and the slides are flashy, colourful, and look so much better.

Personally, I feel far removed from the war on slavery in today's world. It is one of the biggest and darkest industries in our age. But Martin Luther King called us to 'live the dream' he described and I believe by that he meant to free ourselves from our own shackles of mental slavery. To rid our hearts from the racist bias...and the guilt we may feel. To confront the darkness we harbour and give shelter to in our souls.

Racism, and the superiority of one people over another, is a seed in everyone's historicity. Now we can decide to nurture that rotten plant, or ignore it entirely. The 20th century prophets addressed the freedom of the individual and the revolution of the collective. In the 21st century, I would appeal to the freedom of the collective and the revolution of the individual. Simply because, when we come together as a collective, we must be a group that embraces versatility and, like a cavalry carrying a multitude of arms, charge against the evil of this world. Like a rainbow, every colour is necessary for nature's beautiful spectacle.

Racism is not a ghost from the past. It is an entity that lives on in all of us. And we cannot leave a single window open for it to enter into our house. In case that it does slip through underneath a door, we must be prepared to ring a bell - loudly - and declare the words "Let freedom ring", for racism cannot survive in a place of true & real freedom. And that is our task in this century: to bring about this 'true' freedom for all mankind. No matter the cost. This world already paid too much of a price for evil to still roam our homes in 2014.  

Here a great song by Nina Simone dedicated to Martin Luther King: