
May 11, 2016

a love called trump

it’s no secret that i am an impassioned political enthuasist.
especially when it comes to american politics.

one thing’s for certain: never has there been a nomination process quite like this before.
not even 2008, when Obama managed to rally a generation apathetic towards politics.

but now the world is seemingly worried that a man like donald trump has been handed the opportunity to become president.
america, the country that ushered the world into the globalised & terrorised 21st century, appears to be losing it.
america’s sovereignty and its hegemonic impact on the rest of the planet has come under scrutiny.

who is america?
i don’t believe one can compare the country to a man in a mid-life crisis.
more along the lines of an old emperor whose mind has been clouded by paranoia and greed.  
this emperor is no longer respected and has lost all credibility.
he is senile and tends to forget (or ignore) the past.
he believes to be invincible, but plays his people like pawns.

‘Erica’ is an old norse name referring to ‘one rule’, ‘eternal ruler’.
however, i seriously doubt that global citizens will be held at bay much longer and accept the western arrogance stemming from the u.s.
the eternal rule will most certainly come to its end in the near future.
we don’t know how or what that might look like.
the fall of an empire never happened in a pretty way.

Noam Chomsky, the world’s foremost intellectual activist, has written a new book entitled ‘who rules the world?’
indeed, this is a valid question and the answer probably factors in several ‘big players’, such as what Adam Smith referred to as “masters of mankind”
Chomsky reflects on this in a recent essay on the challenges of 2016.
today, these ‘masters’ are the “multinational conglomerates, huge financial institutions, retail empires” etc.
you and I, whether it be consciously or subconsciously, support them on a daily basis.
we consume their goods and then go sign a petition to get the company to reimburse workers that were exposed to toxic mercury.
we believe we’re indispensable, but which pawn ever was?
if you don’t buy it, somebody else will.

globalisation, as was predicted by some, did not turn out the way we may have thought it would.
not because the concept is bad or wrong, but because the execution only benefits a few.
even though cultures are coming together, mixing and mingling, there still is a sense that a truly globalised world could (or should) look different.

we still have borders and visas.
we are returning to history, to open the dark chapters.
vulnerability can be exploited.
the fact that we currently have 100,000’s of displaced Syrians trying to find a new home and life elsewhere is a tragedy.
on top of all that, the immigrations plan of countries like Germany has stirred up nationalist sentiments.
it’s obvious that Germany’s “perfect” unification and troublesome past has not been dealt with properly.
the shadows have returned to the light and are threatening a society that is already intercultural.
Germany is full of different cultures, religions and ethnicities.
on account of terrorism, our knees are being brought to the ground and we are called to bow down to fear-mongering.
astonishingly, there are many who are already lying face down on the ground, having capitulated to religious & racist bigotry.

in times like these, the choices we make can have a detrimental impact on the generations to come.
in times like these, we must hold on to the one thing that unites us all: LOVE

too often we forget to take the plank out of our own eye. If we did, we would realise that all our faults originate from a shared human experience.  
we throw the first stones, but instead we should be using those stones to build bridges.
unfortunately, bridges are burnt down faster than the time it took to build them in the first place.   
there might be water under the bridge, but the water may still be contaminated with bitter pills nobody can swallow.

i am going to say it:
there is a little trump in all of us.
we easily become that which we hate.
those terrorised, become the terrorists…or worse, the terrorisers.

wherever we find ourselves now, it is high-time to unite together under the banner of humanity.
it cannot be that we hate another human-being or deny him the life we would want for ourselves on the basis of his background.
I don’t frankly care what politics or economics have to say, because both these areas are soul-sucking monsters.
there is no justice or righteousness in politics or economics. Power comes and goes, companies go bankrupt and are bought out…heck, even banks themselves go bankrupt.
how many lessons do we have to learn or witness before we actually see things for what they truly are.
we should never let ourselves be the pawns. Even the greatest chess player knows that a pawn can be turned into any figure if it gets to the other side of the board.
and at the end, that pawn-turned-queen is worth more than the king.
let us direct our anger, frustration and dismay toward the right source.

there will be new hitlers, new stalins, new idi amin’s, new pol pots, and many more trumps.   
they can draw out hate and point at scapegoats, blaming everyone but themselves.

in the end, however, love trumps all!  

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